Riva Tritone, 1958, image credit Ir. Joh's Hamel |
Riva Tritone, 1958, image credit Ir. Joh's Hamel |
Riva Tritone, 1958, image credit Ir. Joh's Hamel |
Featured above is a restored Riva Tritone from 1958, built for Prince Rainier of Monaco, with a jewel-like enameled mahogany hull and glistening metal.
Brigitte Bardot on a Riva Junior in St Tropez 1968 |
Classic Italian styling and the quest for perfection. Riva's history dates back to 1842, when Pietro Riva began building boats at Sarnico, a small northern Italian town on the shores of Lago d'Iseo. By the 1930s, by which time the business was managed by Pietro’s grandson, Serafino, the company was a leading manufacturer of small racing boats, many of which he raced himself. At the same time, it began building pleasure boats. In the 1950s Serafino's son Carlo transformed the business. After a considerable struggle with his father to realise his ambitions, he created wooden boats of such exceptional style and elegance that they surpassed anything his competitors produced. In due course the Riva brand became a worldwide legend courted by screen stars, royalty and businessmen alike. Famous owners included Alain Delon, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren and Prince Rainier of Monaco.